312 East Johnson Avenue Cheshire, CT


email us at Smartydog1@aol.com


Flex-training Program

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If you are looking for a flexible training schedule to teach your dog,
you're going to love our Flex-Training Program.

Flex-training Program Prices

6 activity passes for 125.00
9 activity passes for 165.00
12 activity passes for 195.00

Smartydog Club Members Special

15 activity passes for 215.00

Single class $35.00


Register Online

Frequently asked questions

Our Flex Training Program is ideal for dogs who have
completed a basic level obedience course.

Does your busy schedule make it difficult to attend classes each week?

Would you like to try a variety of activities with your dog ?

Do you own more than one dog? 

Joining our flex-training program allows you to
choose individual classes to suit your dogs' personalities.

Our Flex-Training program offers you the choice of several different classes each week.
You can choose the days and times that fit into your schedule.
Mix and match classes to fit your schedule

Join our flex-training program by registering online or by mail
  Once you're registered simply call or email to reserve a place
 for your dog in any of the classes in our flex-training program.

You may email us your suggestions of preferred class times or types of classes.


We will be adding more sample videos of our flex-training classes













5-C foundation training ( formerly our Cross Training class)  
Practice a variety of communication techniques
Improve your ability to move through a distracting environment
Improve your dogs confidence in you as well as his/her self confidence
Develop your dogs Impulse control & ability to over ride environment stimuli.
& Crazy fun too.
5-C foundation is built on engaging in successful & fun activities.
Beyond Basic Obedience
Here's a class for people who like to challenge their dog's obedience skills. Exercises will combine a variety of obedience skills such as...
* drop on recall               * running stand-stay
* long distant stays        * Hand commands
* distracted stays         
* distraction recalls
( come when they are called no matter what)
Communication &  Confidence:  
Focus is on exercises that improve canine confidence and teaming through communication.
Competition Obedience: Instructor Lorrie Moule
Competition Obedience Exercises based on your dog's level of the training.  Emphasis is based on building a solid competition foundation.
Competition Rally-Obedience: Instructor Lorrie Moule
Training for people who which to compete in Rally-obedience.
Learn what is expected at each station sign. Teach your dog the skills needed to successfully compete in rally.

 Emphasis is based on building a solid competition foundation.

Life Skills
This course is to help owners have better control of their dogs. 
* walking nicely on a leash     * no jumping on people.
* Practicing wait & leave-it.    
* coming when called.
*Sit, down and stay on command.
Mighty Mites
Specialized training for small dogs.  Emphasis is on building confidence & life skills.  Exercises are designed to enhance communication and improve your dog's recall.
Teach your dog to find and indicate the location of a scent.  Training is consistent with the skills necessary to participate in a
National Association of Canine Scent Work (NACSW) trial.

Dogs love to use their nose and hunt.  Scent work is an enjoyable and rewarding activity for you and your dog.

Noseworks 1 is appropriate for beginner dogs, dogs can move up to noseworks 2 as they develop their skills.

It is recommended that beginner dogs commit to 5 or 6 consecutive weeks of noseworks as breaks in the initial training will negatively affect your dogs progress. ( classes can be either the Tuesday or Saturday Noseworks)  There are benefits to working your dog in a harness.

Obstacle Relay Races
An exciting class based on teams of handlers & dogs competing in an obstacle relay race.  Obstacle Challenges vary depending on dogs competing, they may include jumps, tunnels, tire jump, under and go around.

Several heats are used to determine the winning team..

Smartydog Recreational Agility:  
Layered agility obstacles skills and basic communication techniques needed to navigate simple agility courses.  Includes a variety of obstacles; jumps, tunnels, tire jump,  A-frame, dog walk, teeter and weaving exercises.
Dogs should be familiar with jumps and tunnels and be able to move
through the course off leash, dogs who have not done agility training should start with our 5-C foundation course )
Jump, jump, jump: Have fun with your dog navigating a course of jumps. Practice communication and handling skills on a jumpers course that your dog learns in segments.
Tunnels & Bumps
Our agility course of tunnels and low jumps is a great way to have fun & relax your dog. The help your dog be successful the course is introduced to your dog in sections prior to running the full course
Contact Obstacles
Learning & practicing contact obstacles.  Primary obstacles will be the A-frame and the dog walk, the teeter will also be included.
Weave Pole Cross Training
Good for dogs who have never weaved and dogs who are beginners at weaving. Help your dog learn to love the weave poles
Smartydog Canine Chutes & Ladders
Join us on our life size game board where you & your dog are life size game pieces.  Playing in teams we will "spin the wheel" you & your dog will move forward on the board.  Land on a space with a jump, A-frame or teeter and you & your dog will quickly move higher the board. Land on a space with a tunnel and you & your dog will slide back on the game board.  Land on a space occupied by another player and you will send them back a space.  The first team to get all of their players to the last square wins !

Trick Training
Each class will give you the opportunity to practice and enhance tricks that your dog knows and to practice teaching new tricks to your dog.

We Can-ine Dance
Develop a variety skills and movements needed to dance with your dog.  Using skills practiced in class you will be able to choreograph a dance routine with your dog to your favorite music.

This is a enjoyable activity of connected & moving with your dog. Use many of the skills your dog has learned in other training activities such as obedience, rally and agility.

Some dogs from this course will go on to compete at an upcoming K-dancing competition.

Backpacking, Hiking, Carting, Movie night, Dancing with dogs and specialized training such as Trick training, Coming when called and Canine Good Citizen Courses. Activities will be prescheduled and posted on our website for your selection.

Dance with your dogs... it's a lot of fun !



Canine Noseworks with 14 week old Furby
Dogs love to use their noses,  your dog would love noseworks.

Teach your dogs something new...   ride a skateboard.


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